Rules questions


Saketh R
Saketh R Asked 12 years ago

Hi Jeff and Alois

I had few doubts about winning a point

1. Is it out if we push or move the table during gameplay?

2. Is it out if we touch the table with our hand during game play?

3. Is it out if our racket touches or bangs the table during service or in middle of the game 

Thank you 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Saketh,

If you move the table during play you lose the point.

You lose the point if your free hand touches the table during the rally.  Any other part of your body is allowed to touch the table as long as you don't move the table with it.

Your racket is allowed to touch the table at any time.

Hope this helps you.

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Saketh R

Saketh R Posted 12 years ago


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