Ruturning a left handers hook sidespin topspin


Sasha Dansereau
Sasha Dansereau Asked 10 years ago

Hi Guys

Jeff this one is for you

What is the best way to return a left handers sidespin hook topspin

Also can you make a video on it so I can come back and look at it in the future 



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Sasha,

Lucky you don’t want me to answer this one… I wouldn’t want to give away any left handers secrets.

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Thoughts on this question

Rob Janssen

Rob Janssen Posted 10 years ago

Its not easy returning a serve like this, I remember an opponent in competition who won alot of matches only because of this serve. First I did not know what to do because he put so much sidespin on it that it did not matter whatever I tried all the balls just jumped off the right side off the table.


I only found one option and that was to sidespin the ball back. So if he does this serve onto your forehand then you should insteady of do a normal topspin when you move your bat forewards, you should move your bat from right to left so you put more side spin then topspin on the ball.


And when he serves tp your backhand do the same thing with the backhand (or you can walk around and play the forehand) instead of topspinning forewards you should topspin sideways. So think of a banana flip but with a bigger motion. 


Hope this can help you

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Sasha,

It was good to meet you at the Australian Open last weekend. When a left hander topspins a ball into your backhand with sidespin, you can block the ball back. The stroke is similar to a normal block but you need to adjust for the sidepspin. If they put more sidespin and less topspin, then you need to adjust the angle of your bat to be more open but adjust more for the sidespin. See if you can find a nice left hander who is willing to loop some sidespin balls to your backhand so you can practice the shot.

Any ideas Alois on who would be a good practice partner? :)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

I will be seeing you in a week.

Sasha Dansereau

Sasha Dansereau Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Jeff all the support i am getting from both of you is really helping my game improve. The thing is the opponent who does this shot to me and I have said this to Alois is my nemesis in AWD and he is the only left handed player I see. The NSW standing AWD group is exactly like the chinese national team. Lots of good players so we are in constant competition against each other so that is why I am asking advice From my coaches especially Alois and you Jeff

Thanks Sasha 

Xariuz Cruz

Xariuz Cruz Posted 10 years ago

Alois, you have great skills when you don't have secrets. That's what Ai Fukuhara says

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