Sandpaper on edges of bat


salar  hosseini
salar hosseini Asked 7 years ago

I have a donic bat and since I use the penhold grip the edges of the handle hurt my fingers. Is it okay to use sandpaper and make the edges of the handle more flat or will it effect the bat?

Thanks for helping me out, its been 4 months i’ve been playing table tennis and i have improved a lot.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Salar,

Yes it is fine to use some sandpaper to rub off the sharper edges of the bat.  It won't effect the balance of the bat much at all.

Greta to hear that you are improving.

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Thoughts on this question

Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 7 years ago

Some blades even come with a small file for that purpose included in their packaging (Xiom Vega Pro).

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