Sequence of teaching strokes to kids of 10-12 Yrs


Ujjal Chatterjee
Ujjal Chatterjee Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois / Jeff,

Its a great time to speak to you.

I understand that all improved / advance strokes are the extension of the two basic strokes - 'Push' & 'Counter' (FH & BH). And these basic strokes need to be controlled / mastered first.

My question is, what should be the sequence of teaching the above basic strokes to the kids, who are below 10 - 12 yrs. of age, coming first time for TT?

Thanks & regards,

Ujjal Chatterjee


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Ujjal,

I don’t know there is a definitive answer but what I tend to do is start with the Forehand counter hit and then the Backhand Counterhit and then the Backhand Push and then the Forehand Push.

You could even show them the topspin as an extension to the counterhit.

Are you teaching them now?

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Countering a Chop Block

The key is to countering a chop block is to ensure you wait for the ball as it comes through much slower compared to a normal block. You also need to lift the ball more than you would against a regular block.

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Thoughts on this question

Ujjal Chatterjee

Ujjal Chatterjee Posted 10 years ago

Dear Alois,

Yes, after my retirement, I give some training to the kids.

Well, I was in dilemma, where to start with. Initially I thought that the BH 'Push' could be the right stroke to start with as possibly it is easier to keep the ball right on the table with a "soft" stroke.

Once the basic strokes are learned and controlled, one can go ahead with TS, Loop, Chop etc.

Thanks for the guidance.


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