Serve receive position


Erfan Zaghiyan
Erfan Zaghiyan Asked 5 years ago

Why professional player for receiving serves stand on the corner of the table not on the middle of the table?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Erfan,

A lot of players start in that position to move into the receiving position and be mobile when making the return. You often see that they move into a more central position even before the server hits the ball.

If the ball comes long in the middle they will often use their forehand.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Fake Movements

After the ball has left the server's bat, they can no longer affect the spin that is on the ball. Any movements after the contact are referred to as fake movements and are meant to confuse you as the receiver. You need to focus on the contact to read the spin.

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