Service and service stance


Sonny Ornellas
Sonny Ornellas Asked 13 years ago


The way I learned how to serve, wasn't the pendulum serve, it was more like the tomahawk style. what are the advantages/disadvantages to that? also, i learned that you stand square to the table when you serve, is this bad?

Thank you,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Sonny,

The effectiveness of serve depends on your own playing style.  Each player will be a little different.  I find the Pendulum serve works well for me but others find other serves will suit them.. You have to find what works best for you.  If you are comfortable with the Tomahawk serve then work hard at getting it better and better.

Standing square to the table is OK.  This will put you into a good position for the next ball.  The closer you can be to your ready position after you serve the better placed you will be for the next shot. You will see that the players that use the Pendulum serve also finish in a fairly square position at the end of their service motion.

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