Serving and hitting corners


Dick Wittingson
Dick Wittingson Asked 10 years ago

Hey Pingskills. I've been having trouble hitting corners. I can do a backhand corner serve, but how do I do a forehand corner serve and hit any other corner serve? Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Vandan,

The best thing is to put a target on the table when you are training and see if you can hit it.  This will focus on where you are hitting it.  I find that most players tend to hit it shorter rather than too long. So don’t be afraid to hit some serves long in training and you will start to get the ball longer and to the corner.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Improving My Serves

What do you need to think about when starting to learn serves and you are wanting to improve? There are a few factors that you can focus on. We help you to understand those factors and then how to work on them.

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Thoughts on this question

Dick Wittingson

Dick Wittingson Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Alois. This is pretty helpful, but I don't have a table to practice with. I can only practice at school, any tips for trying at home?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Yes you can do this at home with any type of table.  Use a dinner table and put some plastic cups in the corner.

Rory Goulding

Rory Goulding Posted 10 years ago

I've been using the target on the table method for practicing my serves ever since I saw your video on using that technique.

I practice only one exact serve at one location per day. It has REALLY improved my serve. I now get many third ball attacks and some outright winners on my serve. I was not getting that before my 'target' practice. 

I feel having a target to hit combined with only working on one serve per day has allowed me to jump a level in my service game.

Thanks for your great videos.


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Great to hear it Rory.

As you progress, start to move your target around each serve so that you are able to change the position easily when you want to.

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