Serving towards pimples


Sasha Savic
Sasha Savic Asked 10 years ago

Hi, Alois

I feel like I am improving my game thanks to your tips. In my humble opinion, no one should underestimate defenders. But, there is something I would like to discuss. Some players serve intentionally to my pimples, in order to get me away from the table. Those serves are neither short nor long, somehow in between, and they make me go on the side. I try to chop, tha ball usually goes higher, and they smash it towards parallel. How should I return those serves to stop them, to make them think twice before attacking my returns. Thanks

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Sasha,

Play the return faster and earlier and go wide across court so that they can’t angle you to the other side.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Returning a Heavy Backspin Serve

A lot of players will serve to you with heavy backspin. In this video we show you how to return this effectively.

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Thoughts on this question

Sasha Savic

Sasha Savic Posted 10 years ago

OK, I will give it a try

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