Serving at a high level


Merijn Machielse
Merijn Machielse Asked 13 years ago

Hello Alois/Jeff 

I recently watched quite alot of table tennis matches on youtube and I realised that the pros never fail at a service return, they always get it short and they push it back and then the rally begins.

Isnt it wasted time for them to learn sidespin serves backspin serves topspin serves etc. if they can just do a short backspin serve all the time?

Would Timo Boll still be the best if he only did short backspin serves? (Yes he is the best :D) 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Merijn,

There are always subtle differences happening with the serve.  It is difficult to see on the screen.  The pros will change the amount of spin on the ball.  So even if it looks like the same serve they are still changing the amount of backspin or they will put a little sidespin or topspin.

If they weren't doing this the receiver would be able to attack the return a lot easier.

So the answer to the last part is that Timo would not be as good if he only did the same backspin serve. 


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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Variation of Placement

The exact same serve placed to a different spot on the table can be much more difficult for your opponent to return.

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