Serving faster


somchai phatharathananunth
somchai phatharathananunth Asked 11 years ago

Hi coach,

My forehand pendulum serve has no speed and power. How can I increase speed and power on my serve?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Somchai,

It is more important to get spin rather than speed and power.  To get the ball travelling faster you can contact the ball flatter.  Get the ball to bounce close to you on your side of the table.

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Thoughts on this question

somchai phatharathananunth

somchai phatharathananunth Posted 11 years ago

Thanks. How can I make my serve spinier ?



Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

To get more spin, you can brush the ball finely.  The best way to get the contact right is away from the table.  Just see if you can make the ball spin around on the floor.  Then you can move to the table and see if you can get the same contact and get the ball on the table.

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