Serving Grip


phil Unknown
phil Unknown Asked 16 years ago

hi guys,

my question is how should i hold my bat when serving because i've tried a few different grips and i dont know which to choose

thanks philip

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Philip,

This will depend on which serev you are doing.

For the pendulum serve, release the fingers around the handle and put them behind the handle in a fist. This will give you a better angle to produce the pendulum serve.

The main thing with your grip is to allow yourself to move your wrist through a big range of movement to let yourself generate more spin.

If you take a look at our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD you will see all of this explained more clearly including how to get more spin on your serves.

i hope this helps you.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Serving grip

Getting your grip right is important when you learnt you basic strokes. It is also important when you are serving, We give you some tips to start you off.

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Thoughts on this question

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 16 years ago

Hi Alois

I was watching some table tennis service demonstrations by Michael Maze, and noticed that his adjustment in the way he held his racquet for the pendulum serve was even more pronounced than the 'standard' model covered by the Secrets DVD. 

He not only holds the racquet with just his thumb and index finger, but his whole hand is a lot further up the side of the racquet so his three remaining fingers are not tucked behind the handle but tucked behind the rubber itself...not sure if I am describing this clearly.

Just wondering, what is the thinking behind this?  What are its strengths and weaknesses?  (I guess one weakness is is harder to get back to a standard hitting grip after you've served because your hand is so out of place)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 16 years ago
Having your fingers more on the rubber can give you more stability of the grip. It may lead to less relaxed grip however. Clearly for Maze this works so it is definitely a possibility. Try both ways out and see what feels more comfortable. I find it easier with the more relaxed grip because it allows more freedom of my wrist.

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