Serving help


Ontivero blackitin
Ontivero blackitin Asked 13 years ago

How can i make the pendulum reverse and the new "punch serve" im 11 years old and this is reeeeaaaaallllllllllllllllly hard for me :( in the pendulum my ball goes away like 4 meters hehe I need your help alois ;=)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ontivero,

Keep working on the technique of the serve.  If the ball is going far away from the table you need to get a thinner, brushing contact on the ball. This will make the ball go shorter and slower.

Give it a try.  You will find with skills like this, it will take a lot of tries to get them correct. 

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Stop the Aggressive Return

This video gives you 3 tips for stopping the aggressive return. 1) Don't serve too short. 2) Keep the ball low. 3) Vary the spin.

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