Serving Pendulum


Sam Evans
Sam Evans Asked 12 years ago


Currently I am winning lots of points with a reverse pendulum serve, however I cannot seem to get much spin on my pendulum serve. How can I get more spin on it? 

Also, what serve would you say is the hardest to return?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Sam,

Try hitting the serve a little faster and really going after the ball with a fast swing.  At the same time, get that brushing action.  Keep your wrist relaxed so that the wrist also helps with the speed of your bat.

There is no such thing as the best serve.  It is only the best serve you can do at a particular time against your opponent. Each opponent and in each situation is different.

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Windshield Wiper Serve

Here is an effective serve that you can learn and put into your game. It is a serve that not many players are using so as a variation and something new, this one can be a winner for you.

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