Serving problem


Azith Dittakavi
Azith Dittakavi Asked 13 years ago

Hi sir, I am Azith I learnt table tennis a few months aback. I want to learn how to do the back spin and reverse pendulum services, so pls explain me how to do those services

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Azith,

It is good that you are keen to learn.

To do a backspin serve you need to brush under the ball to get it spinning backwards.  You need to get a brushing action on the ball. 

To do the Reverse Pendulum serve take a look at this video response we have on our site. How do I get feeling in the Reverse Pendulum Serve?  This will give you some good ideas about how to do the serve.

If you really get in to it then you can always purchase our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD

Recommended Video

Legal and Effective Serves for Beginners

Serving effectively while staying within the rules is crucial to improving your table tennis game. In this video, we simplify the essential serving rules you need to know and share tips to add pace and precision to your serves. Whether you're a beginner or looking to fine-tune your skills, this guide will help you master serves that are both legal and powerful.

Watch Now

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