I am interested in purchasing serving secrets. However what i really need help with is extremely deceptive serves like opposite motion serves and there was a pendulum serve jeff used in a video with a big huge motion. How many serves like this are there. Could you please give a breakdown of the advanced serves like these that you show. Many Thanks
Hi Thomas,
There are a vast amount of serves. The main serves are the Pendulum, Tomahawk, Backhand and then there is the Reverse Pendulum, and also the Reverse Tomahawk.
In our Serving and Receiving section of the site we cover a lot of serves but will also show you the basic principles so that you will be able to apply them to any serve you do.
Serving with deception is about making a different picture for your opponent. You can add any movement you want to the basic serve to make it look a little different for them.
The high toss serve looks spectacular and it gets results. It is particularly suited to the pendulum serve but we encourage you to try it out with all of your serves. Follow these instructions and add the high toss serve to your repertoire.
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sergio pouso cánive Posted 13 years ago
If you can buy serving secrets revealed do it, its a very good dvd. My tomahawk has improved a lot while watching the videos many times.
Alois, one question, you said that you can apply the movement you show in the videos to any kind of serve, but how could you do a chop serve? The chop serve i think that is one that floats on the table, you know? That server its not very usual and i think that if you use it sometimes you may win more points because your opponent isnt used to it.
Thanks in advance ;)
Thomas McCann Posted 13 years ago
So your dvd doesnt really have any very fancy serves but more the basics of pendulum etc
Hi Thomas,
Fancy serves are over rated. I is best to do the same serve with slight variations. This is more effective than trying to do anything fancy because that is actually easier to read or will have less spin.
D K Posted 1 year ago
Maybe dont forget the Punch serve and the Windshield wiper serve :)
They may be rarer,but there are still players who use it - even at the pro scene.