Serving: The Swing of your Arm


Stan Johnson
Stan Johnson Asked 8 years ago

In serving, does it affect the spin and speed of the ball if you stop your arm during the swing on contact to the ball as oppose to completing the swing of your arm?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Stan,

If your bat stops immediately on contact then it isn't moving at its potential speed on contact.  To be at maximum speed you will need time to stop the arm moving which is what the follow through is.

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Legal and Effective Serves for Beginners

Serving effectively while staying within the rules is crucial to improving your table tennis game. In this video, we simplify the essential serving rules you need to know and share tips to add pace and precision to your serves. Whether you're a beginner or looking to fine-tune your skills, this guide will help you master serves that are both legal and powerful.

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Thoughts on this question

Miklós Fazekas

Miklós Fazekas Posted 8 years ago

I think Stan is referring to this: My understanding is that as long as you're wrist is relaxed and you have perfect timing + contact point then this can help to increase the spin, and be more deceptive.

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