Serving with pure backspin


Derrick Lee
Derrick Lee Asked 6 years ago

Hi Pingskills! 

I have recently been doing a number of backspin serves. I believe I have the technique right (bat angle is facing up, even backwards!) and the fine brushing contact, getting plenty of spin but somehow still manage to get some side spin. Is this unavoidable due to the pendulum motion? How can I avoid putting sidespin on the serve and just get more backspin?

I figured if I don't follow through the motion of my serve it doesn't give me enough power and spin, so I've tried following through but the sidespin is unavoidable. Hope this makes sense.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Derrick,

The sidespin happens because the bat is tilted with the end of the bat pointing slightly towards the ground.  If you lift the end of your racket up so that the racket is completely flat to the ground you can get straight backspin.

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Basic Serving Strategy

In this video you will learn about basic serving strategies such as serving wide on either side. It is also important to not always serve to the same spot and to make sure you are always varying your service location.

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