Shakehand Grip


Mohammad El Hariri
Mohammad El Hariri Asked 13 years ago

Hi coaches,

I'm concerned about my grip. Because of the slanted surface at the top of the bat's handle, I can't place my thumb directly on the rubber and, therfore, the position of my thumb is inconsistent during play.

To get the grip more comfortable, I hold to bat in such a way that my thumb and index finger aren't parallel to one another (with my thumb having a larger slope than my index finger).

I could compensate for that by adjusting the angle of my pointer finger, but I'm concerned: How far am I allowed to adjust my index finger without loosing the correctness of my grip?

Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Mohammad,

Some bats will not feel as comfortable.  The thumb going up the bat is not too bad as long as you are not tightening your hand up.

Just make sure your index finger doesn't go too far up on the rubber.  Also make sure the hand remains relaxed so that the wrist can work properly. 

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