Shopping for a table tennis table for garage


Dao-Huy Hua
Dao-Huy Hua Asked 3 years ago

I plan to buy a table tennis table (ITTF or relatively similar quality). The main issue is that I only have room in my garage.
So, I’m wondering if I can store and play in my garage with an indoor table tennis table. What is the range of humidity and temperature it can sustain without issues? I’m heating my garage to 10 degrees Celsius during the winter and I don’t park any car inside. Is it enough? But with Quebec’s humid summer weeks (similar to New York city), I’m upset about my table as there is no AC in my garage. I’ve heard about outdoor tables, but I’m concerned about how the ball will bounce compared to an indoor table. Please advice. I don’t want to invest ~1000-1300 CAD and be disappointed. I saw there is a promotion on the "Sponeta S 7-13 25mm Indoor Blue ITTF Approved Table" but I’m concerned about the issue I was mentioning and I'm wondering if this is a good model/brand.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago

Hi Dao-Huy,

If the table stays in the garage it should be fine. The main things that effect the tables would be direct sunlight and water which the table would be protected from.  I would also go for an indoor table as the bounce is better and so is the cost.

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