Hi, coach!
Sorry for such weird question.
Is it possible to play by penhold blade using shakehand grip? If I use grip tape.
I am asking it because stiga stopped producing my favorite shakehand blade stiga CC7, but they still produce CC7 penhold blades.
Hi Ardak,
I think it is difficult to use a Penhold blade for shake hand because the handle is shorter and will not fit well into your hand.
The thickness of a table tennis table is the most important aspect of a table to ensure you get a true consistent bounce. Other things to consider are the net, portability, and storage space.
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Ardak . Posted 3 years ago
Thank you coach!
Can it be reconstructed, remodeled into shskehand blade, if I give it to wood master? Will its balance and characteristics be damaged? Or its not worth to do it?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 3 years ago
Hi Ardak,
That is possible to do if you know someone that has some woodworking skills. It won’t upset the balance and would be a good solution.
Ardak . Posted 3 years ago
Thank you, coach!
In our city there is a man who has good woodworking skils. He repaired many broken blades as new. He is very famous among TT players. Thank you, coach!
Ardak . Posted 3 years ago
Stiga CC7 shakehand blade is my first love. I missed it so much! I will by its penhold version anyway. If even after reconstruction it won't be playable shakehand, then I will own it just to feel its bounce when I miss.