Short Pimple for chopping


Aaron Howell
Aaron Howell Asked 9 years ago


What short pimple rubber should I use if you are an attacking chopper?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Aaron,

I don’t have a specific short pimple rubber.  However you would probably want one with a little more sponge to be able to attack effectively.  You could even experiment with a medium pimple which will give you better control for chopping and then still give you the ability to attack with it.

Others may have ideas of some specific rubbers.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 9 years ago

SpinLord Degu has quite good shortpips rubbers that can chop

Or inspire by the worldclass shortpips defenders,Yuta Muramatsu or Ding Song,try to find out what they have used

And also,there is Donic Twister rubber

It is a long pimple rubber,but it is one of the most ofensive longpips rubbers I know

Gary List

Gary List Posted 8 years ago

Friendship 802 maybe. Great price classic style and long living rubber. I'm thinking myself of using this I play with anti at no with a normal reverse on forehand. my anti is great against some players who find it confusing. But I'm hoping to develop my backhand attack. You can of course still chop with the 802. A little fast but it's possible. 

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