Short pimples and pimples in paddle


Moises Moises
Moises Moises Asked 5 years ago

Do you recommend getting a paddle that has pimple in on one side and short pimple on the other side. What are the advantages of playing short pimples?  What are the disadvantages of playing short pimples? Are there any techniques i should know for short pimples. Are there any good serves for short pimples

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Moises,

I think if you are still developing your game then try to use both side inverted.  The short pimples will not allow you to generate as much topspin but it will get you hitting the ball flatter.

Since the short pimples can't generate as much spin it is ok as a change up to serve with the pimples but not as a general serving strategy.

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