Hi, I was wondering why elite players do not use short pimples in elite competition as it allows them to negate the extreme amount of topspin and smash the ball. I have seen other very good semi pro players with great technique beaten easily by other players with short pimples or hardbats.
Hi Jamie,
At the very highest level in the men's game the short pimples become too unreliable because you can't generate enough topspin to allow safety over the net. The shot that you have to play is fast and with a low trajectory over the net.
At the higher level of the women's game it can be effective where the players tend to play a faster game with not as much spin.
There's is an old saying about guitar playing - tone is in your fingers. And If you've ever seen a really good guitarist play an old guitar then you'll understand how true that saying is. I know we go on a lot about this topic but it is so true. Once you've got yourself a decent bat, it's no longer up to the equipment, it's up to YOU!
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Jamie Kapelles Posted 8 years ago
Thank you Alois
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago
We will also discuss your question on the Ask the Coach Show #241.