Short pips


Lukas Haraldsen
Lukas Haraldsen Asked 9 years ago


So the first question I have is about short pimples. It seems to me that there is no men players who use short pips on any of the sides. At one of the recent tournaments I played in, there was a young player who played with short pimples on both sides, and he was amazing. I do not want pimples on both sides, but the backhand would be good to try. So; are there any men players who play with short pips on backhand? It looks like only the women players play like this.

Someone I know is going to a training camp in China, and he asked me if I wanted something from there. Should I ask them to get me a sheet of 802-40s?

The big tournanament starts tomorrow, and I´m really excited :)

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Lukas,

Good luck for the tournament tomorrow.  Let us know how it goes.

As far as the short pimples, give it a try when you have some spare time and see how it feels for you.  There are not many top male players that play with it but it is a game that you can still reach a high level with it.

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Thoughts on this question

Ilia Minkin

Ilia Minkin Posted 9 years ago

>So; are there any men players who play with short pips on backhand?

#11 Tang Peng from Hong Kong plays this kind of game.

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