Sidespin - topspin counter


Rohit Unknown
Rohit Unknown Asked 15 years ago


I'm Rohit and I have a school table tennis coach who is really good, but I think I can beat him. He hits the ball slowly, but it is hard to return because he uses heavy topspin-sidespin. Just when you think you're about to hit the ball, it rips to the side. What on earth should I do?!

Yours sincerely,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Rohit,

To counter this shot you need to allow for the sidespin and topspin by using the angle of your bat.  Angle your bat to the side to counter the topspin.  Keep your hand soft so that it absorbs the spin.  Aim for the middle of the table.

Lastly, go back a step and see if you can stop him from hitting this stroke.  This can be done my placing the ball effectively.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Counter Topspin from Mid Distance

If you are an aggressive player you still will have times when your opponent attacks first. In these situations you can try to counter attack and this is easier if you are a step back from the table. In this video we teach you how to recognise when to take that step back and how to do it. Hopefully this will get you into a good position to make that counter topspin. Good luck!

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Andrew T

Andrew T Posted 15 years ago

Another VERY important thing which Alois didn't mention is to move your feet to account for the spin.  If you don't move you will be reaching for the ball and either missing the ball or making a weak shot every time. 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 15 years ago
Hi Andrew thanks for your additional comments. I should have made myself clearer. By "taking a step back" I meant in the process not physically moving back... So earlier in the rally make sure that they can't make the attack. It's a bit like prevention being better than the cure.

Rohit Unknown

Rohit Unknown Posted 15 years ago

Hi Alois and Andrew T

Thanks to you both for your advice. I have table tennis for sport tomorrow and I shal see if your techniques work. LOL.

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