Sidespin service


brent parkinson Unknown
brent parkinson Unknown Asked 16 years ago

how do you do a sidespin service

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Brent,

The basic principle is to brush the ball on the side so that you get the ball to rotate n a sideways direction.

To do the simple Pendulum sidespin serve start by standing in your backhand corner with your left leg just touching the table. Then get your elbow up highand bring yourlower arm down like a pendulum.  Keep the end of the bal facing down when you contact the ball, this will help you to contact the ball on the side.

PingSkills has made a video on serving called Serving Secrets Revealed.  Get yourself a copy and it will improve your service. It goes through in an easy to follow format, many types of serves and the different spins you can put on them.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Plain Topspin Serve

We explain why you should not use the plain topspin serve once you start to develop your game.

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