Smashing correctly


becham garcia
becham garcia Asked 13 years ago

first of all whenever i try to smash i miss the ball by miles...

im sure that my footwork is correct and im bending down as well... i cant keep up with the stroking either.

I realized that I'm holding the bat wrongly... my index finger is located in the correct manner but my the thumb is not... when i tried the way u guys were holding, it did not work for me as well... and also when theres a low ball I always forget to lift my hand towards my head. is there anything I could do to remember it?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Becham,

The bet way to improve this is to do the stroke repetitively.  It would be great if you could get somone to just feed you balls high so that you can practice this over and over.

I would try to get the grip in the central position like we show.  This will allow you to complete the stroke correctly. 

Also think about keeping your arm and shoulder relaxed.  This may be altering your stroke and not allowing you to swing through freely and correctly.  This could lead to you missing the ball. 

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Thoughts on this question

becham garcia

becham garcia Posted 13 years ago

thank you very much sir. I have table tennis training tomorrow morning and ill find someone to feed me  few high balls and stroke with me.


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