Coach, A friend at the club just sold to me (or should say practically gave me) a Butterfly Amulart blade with 2 Srivers on them. He says that the blade needs a softer sponge on it to be really effective. Any suggestions. I was thinking of one of the newer Tibhar rubbers; not sure about other side. By the way I am ambidextrous so it really doesnt make any difference as far as forehand or backhand is concerned. Any suggestions? Thanks, Steve
Hi Steve,
Let's see what others say.
There's is an old saying about guitar playing - tone is in your fingers. And If you've ever seen a really good guitarist play an old guitar then you'll understand how true that saying is. I know we go on a lot about this topic but it is so true. Once you've got yourself a decent bat, it's no longer up to the equipment, it's up to YOU!
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Alex Von Macraw Posted 11 years ago
Hey Steve,
The Butterfly Amulart blade is quite a stiff bat, best used for offensive play style (not to mention expensive as well!)
I have an offensive bat from DHS made out of pure koto wood 7ply and have DHS rubbers on it.
Depending on your level of play, I would suggest:
Yasaka Mark V (Soft/non tacky)
Tenergy 80 (med-soft/non tacky)
Donic Barracuda (soft/non tacky)
Stiga Calibra LT sound or spin (soft/nontacky)
Andro Rasant F(soft/nontacky)
LKT XT (very soft/tacky) - (if you are heavy spinner as your bat would slightly balance out the speed compromise)
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago
Thanks Alex.
Ali Zarei Posted 11 years ago
I think you should use a fx rubber if u want butterfly.
Or donic blue fire m3
bilal heraki Posted 11 years ago
well i am currently using the amultart and i have a tenergy 64 on the forhand and on the backhand a tenergy 80. i am really really satisfied with my combination. i reccomend you use a TENERGY