Soft wrist backhand topspin


Rama Camatchee
Rama Camatchee Asked 11 years ago

At our club the two top players in our section , plays their attacking Backhand stroke using mainly their wrist ( and not much of their arms) which converts into a backhand Topspin.  I  return the ball however it goes out as they in fact played a disguise Topspin and not a normal stroke.

Is it a good practice as I would normally play a Topspin (backhand)  from below table (and not a table level) and also using mostly my arm (less of wrist)

Secondly, how do we practice that safer soft backhand wrist topspin stroke as they do.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Rama,

You can play the backhand topspin with your arm, especially to start with.  As you become faster and more advanced with the stroke you could start to use more wrist and less arm.  It is a more risky stroke but it is a stroke that you can work towards.

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