Spin in Service


Arushit Mudgal
Arushit Mudgal Asked 14 years ago


i am a 13 year student and i am learning T.T. and i want to know that how can i do a service which involves spin.

Thank you 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Arushit,

The main principles are to brush the ballon contact and then brush it as fast as you can.  Get a copy of our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD.  This will give you all the information you want and lots more.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Ma Lin Ghost Serve

Ma Lin does an incredible serve that comes back towards the net. We show you the simple way you an learn to do this as well.

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Thoughts on this question

Arushit Mudgal

Arushit Mudgal Posted 14 years ago


i do this but it comes back to me and if i brush it fast than it simply directly goes to my opponents table.

sir i am living in India and i would love the DVD but i dont know that it will come in India or not and what is the cost of that in Indian Rupees

Plz sir tell me


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 14 years ago
The Serving DVD costs about 1650 rupees.

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