physical exercise


bhaavan goel
bhaavan goel Asked 14 years ago


what exercise would u suggest me to improve strength in my right arm as i am right handed player?yesterday i did only 20 strokes of back hand counter and was tired my right was paining especially the shoulder so please help.and what diet would u suggest for a vegetarian!!! 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Bhaavan,

You could do some weight training for this. You should see a specialist that will help you with your program.

Also think about the tension in your shoulder and arm when you are doing these strokes.  Focus on exactly where the pain is and see if you can relax those muscles.

he same goes with your diet.  See a specialist, it is important. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

The Controller

Most drills involve one person performing the exercise and the other placing the ball as required by the exercise. We call this person placing the ball the controller. When you are acting as the controller it is a great opportunity to practice your blocking and concentration. As blocking is an important part of the game you should be 100% focused at this time. You also owe it to your training partner to be blocking effectively so they get the most from their exercise.

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