Stained Rubber


Hilal Asked 4 years ago

On my bat, I'm not sure what spilled on it while I was gone but now on my black side of my bat it has an almost white like a stain to it how can I remove it or do I need to get a new one my bat is a butterfly Timo boll platinum 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Hilal,

Sometimes if you leave water on the bat it turns the rubber a whitish colour.  It shouldn't effect the performance of the rubber though.

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Thoughts on this question

steve86 alan

steve86 alan Posted 4 years ago

hi hilal, i won't it gonna effect your game in any way but still if you are concerned with its looks do one thing put some oil on the back side where the stain is and rub it with clean cloth it will vanish with time but even if not you can use that paddle for long period without any issue

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