

Bala Srivatsav Yerramilli
Bala Srivatsav Yerramilli Asked 6 years ago


Whenever I play Table tennis for an hour or so or some especially grueling games, I am not able to play my proper level afterwards for the rest of the training session/tournament. What can I do to avoid this?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Bala,

Sounds like you need to work on your endurance.

Playing and training more will help this naturally.  You could also do some aerobic exercises such as  jogging or swimming but it is best to see someone with expertise in this area first.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#31 - Topspin Returns

Learn to attack any long serve and put your opponent under pressure right from the start of the rally. We present some great match drills to improve your attacking ability in this area.

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Bala Srivatsav Yerramilli

Bala Srivatsav Yerramilli Posted 6 years ago


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