Stance for Tall Players


Kenneth Tham
Kenneth Tham Asked 4 years ago

Hi PingSkills,

I have heard advice that for tall players, we should open our feet wider apart to stay lower to the table. Would this compromise the ability to do shuffle steps quickly? Also, will this make crossover steps more difficult to retrieve wide balls? Thanks.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Kenneth,

It is good to have your feet wide and bend your knees.  This gets you lower to the table and will help you to track the ball and see the flight of the ball as well.

There is an optimal distance between your feet.  If your feet are too far apart it will make it difficult to move however, if you have them too close it also doesn't engage your leg to be able to move and jump.

Try to find that level where you are low enough but can still move sideways with a jumping movement.

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