Hello Pingskills,
I have never really played table tennis before however recently I bought a table after deciding to start playing. I have really enjoyed it so far but I would like to improve. I have watched some of your videos and am thinking about getting a premium membership and following your 52 week plan. However, I have a few questions:
Can I start the 52 week plan straight away or should I practice a bit first and if so what and for how long?
I am thinking about buying the Pingskills Rook so how long should I use that for before getting a custom bat?
Thank you very much for your time. I hope I am not too much of a pain.
From Matthew
Hi Matthew,
I am glad that you are getting into the game. I am sure you will love it.
I think you can start with our strokes and technique lessons for a month or two. Then think about starting the 52 week training plan.
As far as a racket, the Rook will last you for at least a year, depending on your progress. It is a good racket for learning the strokes and developing your basic game.
In this master class we talk about which footwork drill you should select for your practice sessions.
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Matthew Barber Posted 10 years ago
Thank you so much
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago
No problems Matthew.