Sticking the rubber again


yash hora
yash hora Asked 10 years ago

Hello sir , Actually there was a big air gap between my bh rubber and the blade . so I took it out , but When I tried to stick it again using donic vario clean glue a big air gap was formed near the handle . I tried to stick it four times but still faced the similar problem .

After that it took a long time to scratch away the glue from the rubber . there are two corns on my fingers now . a bit of foam was also scratched away from the middle . is that a big problem? Please tell me how I can accurately stick my rubber back again? I wasted about 15 ml of glue too . I have a rubber roller with me.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Yash,

Using the rubber roller should help to get it flat.  Start by placing the edge near the handle down and then slowly roll out the rest of the rubber onto the blade.

Take a look at this video on Replacing Your Rubber.

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