Hi Alois
Why does people stomp their foot while serving?
Hi Yap,
It is usually just as a follow through of their service action. As they come forward with their foot and move into the next position in the rally it makes a noise on the ground.
Here is an effective serve that you can learn and put into your game. It is a serve that not many players are using so as a variation and something new, this one can be a winner for you.
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Yap Zhi De Posted 8 years ago
Why you don't have this follow through
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago
I land a little lighter on my foot.
Yap Zhi De Posted 8 years ago
Does landing lighter affect the serve, like the spin and speed?
Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago
No Yap, that doesn't have any affect. What does is using your wrist to generate bat speed and brushing the ball finely.
Igor Kirman Posted 8 years ago
One other benefit of stomping the feet is deception. Since it may be hard to spot the precise point at which contact is made (and therefore to see whether a serve has topspin, under spin or side spin), a foot stomping may mislead the receiver into believing contact was made when they hear the "noise." It's a reflex. And that creates deception; usually you stomp a little earlier than true contact and mislead the receiver.