Strategy when "It's not my day…."


Grenville Pereira
Grenville Pereira Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois / Jeff

I have noticed that on certain days I am just not able to get into rhythm . The games also do not go so well , like other days.

Rather than saying , it's not my day , I am just thinking on what could be the things I could do to get back into rhythm.

One of the things I tell myself in these moments are not to think of rushing through or the end result but only focus on

 the stroke i.e. technique.

From your side , could you please suggest other things I could do to get back to my full game on the same day , rather than later on.




Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Grenville,

I think you are on the right track.  The other thing to think about is going back a step in difficulty.  So, play a little slower or with bigger margins.  You can think about putting the ball closer to the middle rather than closer to the edge.

As you gain in confidence as you get more balls on the table you can start to push things a little further.

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Thoughts on this question

Grenville Pereira

Grenville Pereira Posted 11 years ago

Hi Alois

    Thanks for the advice. During a match recently when I noticed my self suddenly losing a string of points , I stepped back and focussed on placing the ball on the table , rather than the points and then step up again.  It helped me catch up with the opponent.




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