Stretching and other exercise


Dan Meils
Dan Meils Asked 7 years ago

Where can I find recommended stretching/exercise routines for intermediate level play?

I'm slightly over 60 and not as nimble as I'd like to be.  My stamina is good. I try to play two hours a day, 4-5 times a week.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Dan,

We do have a tutorial on Physical Warm Up that might be of interest for you.  We also have two Blogs on Strength Conditioning for Table Tennis and Strength Conditioning for Table Tennis Part 2.




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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Perfecting the Push

This week's master class is called Perfecting the Push. To have a great push you need to first see how much backspin is on the ball as it is coming towards you. Then you need to alter your stroke to counter this backspin. You also need to concentrate on generating your own backspin to make it harder for you opponent.

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