Strokes and techniques


Tony Ping
Tony Ping Asked 8 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have played TT for 4 years and the coaches always tell me that my stroke and timing was incorrect but they don't give me any tips or advice. So can you explain the correct technique and stroke when contacting the ball?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Tony,

You have come to the right place...

Take a look through the Strokes & Techniques page of the site.  This helps you with all of the major strokes of the game.  Work your way down from the top of the page and see where you can get to.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

No Spin Loop

The no spin loop is a good variation that can be effective even at the highest level. Watch as we show you how to get this stroke right.

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