Suggestion for the blade and rubber


nishant tirkey
nishant tirkey Asked 10 years ago

I am good at close to the net game i can drive any ball near the net but not good at ends of the table for that i usually chop the ball, my forehand spin is least and turn open both are almost like a regular fast hit and occasionally open spin on the backhand and yes i can block the balls i am fairly good at both forehand and backhand flicks .

I would like to know if Tenergy 25 fx will be good for me in both back and forehand and please suggest me a blade also.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Nishant,

Tenergy 25 is a good rubber for spin.  Without seeing you play it is difficult to suggest a rubber and blade but it really does’t make that much difference anyway.

Why not try the PingSkills Touch for a blade option.

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