Suitable rubbers & ply to user


Subhrajit Singh Unknown
Subhrajit Singh Unknown Asked 15 years ago

I'm a TT coach in a small town named Golaghat in Assam, India. My daughter is also playing TT for last 5 yrs.She is a state ranking sub-jr. player. Her forehand is good but her backhand is consistant.She now using DONIC WALDNER EXCLUSIVE AR+ PLY and DONIC COPPA GOLD rubber in forehand and BUTTERFLY SRIVER EL rubber in backhand. Please advice me what type of ply & rubbers she should use

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Subhrajit,

The rubber and bat she is using are fine.  keep her on these unless you are seeing a particular problem.

Equipment is not such a big issue.  Concentrate more with her technique and ability to play matches.  The equipment she is using is of high quality.

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How to Play with Short Pimple Rubbers

In this video we will discuss the differences between Inverted and short pimple rubbers. We will also cover the advantages and disadvantages of short pimple rubbers. Some of the advantages are that the ball travels lower and flatter over the net and that having one rubber short pimple and one rubber inverted provides variety making it more difficult for your opponent.

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