Switch from penhold to shakehand


Gerald Liu
Gerald Liu Asked 8 years ago

I play with a penhold racket and am pretty decent and RPB but my coach plays as shakehand so should I switch to shakehand?A few weeks ago I tried shakehand but noticed that my control is not as good and my forehand smash, loop, and topspin are not as good as penhold. Do you guys think I should make the switch?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Gerald,

It is more about how you feel with each grip.  It sounds like you like the penhold grip better so stay with it.

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Thoughts on this question

Gerald Liu

Gerald Liu Posted 8 years ago

Thanks, but I also saw that shakehand is stronger then penhold. Is it true?

Michael Song

Michael Song Posted 8 years ago

It depends on your playing style, honestly.  The grip used is dependent on the player, not common notion!  Do what feels comfortable.

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