Table Tennis partner for West Delhi


piyush kumar
piyush kumar Asked 9 years ago

i live in west delhi vikas puri i m looking for decent table tennis players who can play table ennis on regular basis.....i am a averageĀ  t.t player and if any one interested we can play table tennis around west delhi.....

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Piyush,

We will put this out there.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#15 - Using Depth

In this session we talk about the length of your placement. Often we think that we need to always hit the ball deeper and faster however sometimes playing a shorter ball during a rally can catch your opponent off guard. If this happens to you, you need to ensure you are able to move forward and deal with the shorter ball.

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Thoughts on this question

Harshill Singh

Harshill Singh Posted 7 years ago

Call or WhatsApp at 8587898856 I also have a table but no friends too play with lol

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