Table tennis preassembled bats


Sheharyar Siddiqui
Sheharyar Siddiqui Asked 5 years ago

So Sir, I have 3 options available for the type of racket to choose.

 1) Timo boll cf 2000

2) Timo boll platin

3) Timo boll black

Which one should I choose for the best performance out of these .

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Sheharyar,

The main thing with all of this range of bats is the rubber.

The Platin has Wakaba 1.8mm rubber.

The CF2000 has Pan Asia 

The Black has Wakaba 1.8mm rubber

I think the Wakaba is slightly better than the Pan Asia but they are pretty much the same and are all suitable as a starting bat.

We have the PingSkills Rook which will tend to last you through your development of your strokes.


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