

Pedja Maric
Pedja Maric Asked 11 years ago

Hi, Alois

I have a huge problem against some players. First, there is this guy who has very good blocking technique. When I do topspin, whether it is slower or faster, he just blocks it and stretches me around the table. Like a child game, from left to right, it seems that I have to be Speedy Gonzales. How to play against that player.

Second problem I have with left handed player. How to play against those types, I know that you are left handed also, you can give the best advice. I am right handed and when I try to serve side spin, he just flicks the ball towards me. How is that possible, regarding the spin? Usually, return should go to my forehand side, but he, flicks it towards me, and then I am trapped. When I do reverse, then he uses backhand flick towards my forehand side, and I can't catch the ball. What should I do? Thank you in advance. And when will you upload that video about Advanced Forehand Topspin.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Pedja,

Firstly against a good blocker the key is variation of spin and speed.  They usually like the ball coming faster because they can use your pace to out place you.  By slowing the ball down and adding spin you can also get them moving in and out.  The other thing to think about is to start with backspin.  They often don't like making the first topspin so you can wait till you get a good ball to attack before making your attacking stroke.

We have a lesson on this in our Match Strategy course on Playing A Blocker.

Regarding playing the left hander try varying the positioning of your serve.  I know I like certain serves in certain places and don't like them in others.  It may be as simple as a change of direction.  Try this out.

THat Advanced Forehand Topspin video is coming... I promise...

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Effects of Rubbers

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Thoughts on this question

Pedja Maric

Pedja Maric Posted 11 years ago

OK, I get it. The thing is, that, this blocker tends to attack, even backspin, because he has grass on his forehand. I think he has long pips. If I don't attack, he will, but he manages to stop my slow loops, it becomes irritating, like, there is nothing I could do. Sometimes I surprise him with smash, or topspin drive, but his shots are passive, without spin, but not good for attacking. How to attack those passive shots, they are low and close to the net.

And what kind of serves don't you like in which positions? I am really interested in. Thank you for your answer

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Pedja,

OK, this is different.  Of he has long pimples then the game tactics become different.

Serve a backspin serve to the long pimples which will give you a topspin ball to deal with.  You can attack this.  We also have a Match Strategy for Playing Against Long Pimples.  The fact that he is left handed doesn't matter as much as the fact he uses long pimples.

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