How to play against a good player in a tournament who counter the looping topspin against a chop from my side?
Secondly I become nervous when playing in any tournament any suggestion to calm the mind in that situation or before.
Hi Aishik,
I think the key for you is to vary the speed of your topspin against the chop ball. You have the variation of spin, speed and placement to work with. If you can vary these things then it makes it a lot more difficult for them to counter that ball.
For help on nervousness during a tournament the key is your arousal levels. Take a look through our Sports Psychology section for more help on this area.
A chopper likes to get back from the table and get into a nice rhythm. If you keep the defender close to the table in the early part of the rally, it's hard for them to transition back into their chopping position. So keep the ball short on your serve and try and catch them unprepared. Watch the video to find out more great tactics to use against a defensive chopper.
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