Tactics against Blockers


jack Unknown
jack Unknown Asked 16 years ago


i really like ur videos and as a sugestion i would like u all to make a video for tactics eg- tactics against defender(choppers,blockers etc) tactics against all round players and tactics against ofensive players.

heres the question theres a boy in my school who is sort of an allround player but mostly blocks all the time against me (im an ofensive player) and when he gets an oppotunity to smash or topspin he really hits it hard and i cant block or lob (if im standing back) so please help me on this one.

i really love ur videos 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the suggestion and your feedback about the videos.

We have had a few people suggest similar ideas about tactics so we will need to do that one.  We are currently working on our Training Video.  We have put your suggestion on our list.  Watch the website.

To play against good blockers, you need to vary the speed and spin on your topspins. Good blockers usually prefer the ball coming through faster and at the same speed to them.  If you can slow down some of your topspins and put more and less spin on them, they tend to have more trouble. 

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