Team Strategy


Prateek Gupta
Prateek Gupta Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois,

I am in a real mess today. I have a match at 6:00PM today. Opposition has a player who can not be beaten at any cost, given the skills and techniques we have. Its a waste to hope to have him defeated. I have two good players in my team(including me) and I am confident enough that we two can beat their 2nd and 3rd players. He is in a habit of playing his second best player in the third position and this player of theirs can beat our third player in all probabilities. Certainly he knows our strategy also of playing our second player at third position. There our chances of our third player against their third player. Match format is ABC - XYZ.

What should be done?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Prateek,

I would play your best player finishing first at either B or Z then your second player at C or X and your third player at A or Y.  That way they are changing their order and may not get to have their better players playing in a live match.

You can over think these sorts of things.  It is often better to go with what is best for you and let the opposition worry about other things.  Then each player just has to work hard in each match they play. 

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Thoughts on this question

Prateek Gupta

Prateek Gupta Posted 13 years ago


Generally we let play our first player at A or Y and second player at B or X and third player at C or Z. Is that the same rule that you follow. Match Sequence as

A vs X

B vs Y

C vs Z

A vs Y

B vs X


Is this the rule that you follow?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago

HI Prateek,

Sorry, I was talking about a 3 vs 3 where all the players play each other.  

In the format you play what you are doing is correct. 

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