Greetings coach,
I would like to ask you for your opinion on this:
One of our highest level coaches has the opinion that being able to consistently get the ball on the table to create and control the spins (by any technique) etc. is more important than having a correct technique. I wonder what do you think about this opinion. This coach has successfully brought numerous CZ players at the Euro level including for example current CZ star Lubomir Jancarik, who experienced his greatest improvement under this coach's personal training 10 years ago.
How can a person, who thinks that being able to return the ball on the table is more important than having a correct body movement during a stroke be so successful at creating professional players with great technique while he himself says that there is no definition of "correct" in terms of table tennis movement?
Hi Dan,
This is an interesting question and one I have changed my opinion on in the last few years. I now tend to agree with this coach. Technique is something that will come as you experiment more and discover the best way for you to deal with any ball. I think most players come to similar concepts of technique because that works in general however there can always be nuances.
When a player experiments and learns something for themselves it is more likely to stay with them and be able to be reproduced in crucial situations.
The other thing to look at is the result of what he is doing. Jancarik had great results recently at the European Championships reaching the quarter final and losing 4:3 to Ovtcharov.
Due to the speed at which the modern game of Table Tennis is played, the backhand has become a stroke which can separate the medium level players from the elite players. Make sure you pay attention to your backhand and develop it so that you opponent cannot get a soft ball by simply playing to your backhand.
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D K Posted 3 years ago
I know that there are nuances. But as you said,I also think that there are some physical aspects which still have to be used (Power from ground concept etc.)
Yes,though,who knows how he played at that time.
I am quite divided between these two approaches. My play just looks ugly and I do see that the quality is not where I want it to be.
Now not sure how to mevaulate stroke quality.
Nigel C Posted 3 years ago
What is great technique? No one with out exception is perfect every shot, and who decides what is perfect. One shot you may have taken a shorter swing but stood a bit upright. The next a longer swing but had a lower stance. Which is better? Each shot comprises of so many elements and then throw in everyone has different size, shape, muscles, reaction times etc. I believe everyone needs to learn good technique as a baseline but then after that put your own spin on it. Then if you struggle with a shot, its not going on the table, or it's too high, not spinny or has some other problem you need to try and get back to as close to good technique as you can. Good technique is your friend but not an unbreakable law.
D K Posted 3 years ago
I know that in a match it is different as there is too much randomness. I mean majorly the technique in a situation where you are prepared for it.
Using your words,I feel like I havent reached the baseline yet.
Meaning,if you have a drill and you do not get the desired ball,there is some flaw.
All players have different technique,but they all have some common aspects of the technique.
I think I havent reached the common part yet.
My forehand topspin against block:
a)when using the stroke,I feel pain in my arm after a few continuous shots.
b)there is no visible kick effect on impact on table unless I do it about 30cm above net.
c)the ball stops rotating before it reaches the barriers (if opponent does not touch the ball)
d)I feel like the stroke is rather a bomb despite that being silent on contact.
e)I feel like I use a big powerful swing yet the ball does not reflect that. I feel somehow like the ball absorbed my power.
(I get slow ball from fast swing)
f)I get out of balance due to the speed of the swing. I feel like hit in head after so fast movement. That means that I need a pause after each stroke.
Such things indicate that there is really something wrong with my stroke.
My "ideal" version should rather look like this:
a)it should be very low and by default the ball should land in about first 30% of table from the net.
b)there must be clearly visible difference in the ball speed right before and right after the impact on the table. Meaning,the ball should reach its minimum speed just before impact,and then the rotation of the ball should surpass the initial speed delivered by bat.
c)the ball should start to fall as soon as possible. The highest point should be kept above the table,the ball should sink just behind the table with maximum descend speed.
d)I should be able to return to my default ready position before the ball reaches the opponent.